Do you love your mom?
Here is a very touchy subject that I want to talk about.
I hope that it comes out right.
It is about your relationship with your mom.
I have been thinking a lot about this the last few days and I was debating whether I should write about it or not.
Basically I believe to be good with women you have to be able to have a good relationship with your mom.
See I love my mom I even called her last night to tell her that I am going to write about this and she said that I should do it, so I am.
See you have met, you do meet and you will meet a lot of women in your life, but there is one that is for life.
If a woman blows you off you know you turn the corner and you can meet an other one.
But if you mom blows you of in anyway it gets right trough you, it gets straight to your hard and it hurts.
So if you read my post “Women want a man that can handle them” it is the same principal.
You have to know how to “handle” your mom and I do believe she will be the hardest one to “handle”.
What I mean by this is she is the hardest one because she knows you the best, and she loves you the most, she will love you more then any women you will ever meet.
So you cannot play games with her, with her you have to be real, and that is how you should be with any woman.
So when your mom is on your case or when she is mean to you, or when she is not being supportive, is because she wants to know that you love her.
She cannot ask “do you love me” and you don't have to even say it with words if you don't want.
Show it to her.
It took me a long time to understand all this.
See I left home when I was 17 and I came to USA (I am from Bulgaria). It is 8 years later I have seen very little of my mom.
Every time a call her she will be almost always telling me that I wasn't doing something right, and it hurt me so much because I am all alone in USA and I try hard and I would of love to had her support.
So we would fight a lot and it was a big mess.
So know that I understand women and life so much better, my relationship with her now is great.
Now I know that all she wanted is to know that I love her and that I miss her.
I call her more often now, I banter with her, I shear my fun times, I tell her how I pick up women, I share with her my successes and my pain.
She still try to tell me what to do and how to do it. I just let her speak, I let her finish, so she knows that I care what she thinks and then if I like it I will tell her so if not I will tell her so too and she loves me for it.
Is great, it feels great too. It feels good to have her support.
I will tell you what dough it is fucking hard to do all this, again because you cannot just leave her and go find an other mother.
If you know how to interact with your mom you will know how to interact with any woman.
So if you want to be better with women call your mom right now.
Tell her how much she means to you, tell her how much you love her, tell her what you have been up to, ask her what she thinks about it.
I guaranty you that if you can do this right you will be instantly a better man and women will be more attracted to you.
PS: by the way this is photo is of my mom and I from like 8-9 years ago when I was 16.
So cute